Endocrinological Assessment and Treatment of Weight Gain & Obesity
matically increased over the last decades. Studies show that currently approxi mately onethird of the U.S. population is classified as obese and over twothirds are significantly overweight. whereas the cause is multifactorial, studies are clear that nearly all overweight people have metabolic and endocrinological dysfunction that's causing or contributing to their inability to lose weight(/bb). it's not merely a tangle that people are taking in additional calories than they're consuming, however rather it's a complex viciouscycle of endocrinological and metabolic dysfunction. up to date medicine has didn't address these dys functions in is synthroid better than generic equivalents overweight people and doctors and patients still believe that all cases are a matter of willpower and lifestyle. Thus, it's no surprise that obesity is reaching generic synthroid effectiveness epidemic proportions. *point9*